Book Your Personal Tour

Schedule a personal tour to experience Great Lakes Christian College

Great Lakes Christian College is Michigan’s most-selected Bible college, where God inspires everything we do. There’s no better way to feel the power of His presence than by touring the campus.

Group visits such as Visit Day or Open House are often the best way to see campus. You get to meet other students and start to form friendships with those who may one day become your classmates.

But if you can’t attend a scheduled event, we understand. That’s why we provide personal tours of the campus. Just let us know your preferred date and time. An admissions representatives will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Have a blessed day.

What Crusaders Say

“From the beginning I saw that GLCC had many valuable things to offer. The academics were far superior to my expectations and the small classroom size allowed for genuine, personal relationships with almost all of my professors. “
—Simon Phelps

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