Dual Enrollment is a program that allows public, private, or homeschooled high school students to enroll in courses at Great Lakes Christian College for credit prior to high school graduation.
College credits earned through dual credit may be applied toward high school and college graduation and may be transferred to other colleges or universities.
Become part of our Christian community and expand your intellectual, spiritual and personal growth.
Fill out this application form today!
Introduction to Biblical Interpretation Personal Spiritual Formation Life of Christ
Christian Faith
Speech Fundamentals
Composition & Grammar
Critical Research
Ancient Western Civilization / Medieval Western Civilization Literature 1 / Literature 2
Quantitative Literacy
Introduction to Psychology
General Biology & Lab Biological Foundations of Nutrition
*Contact our Online Coordinator to make requests for classes in our catalog not listed above.
“From the beginning I saw that GLCC had many valuable things to offer. The academics were far superior to my expectations and the small classroom size allowed for genuine, personal relationships with almost all of my professors. “
—Simon Phelps
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