Online Degree Application

Apply today and start your journey as a Great Lakes Crusader!

Accredited Online Degrees

Great Lakes Christian College is your path to purpose in faith, community, and learning.

You can attain your goals entirely online with our 100% online accredited degrees in Bible Theology, Business Logistics, Church Planting, Christian Leadership and  Communication, and Youth Ministry. We also provided a dual enrollment online degree for high school students. 

Great Lakes Christian College has passionate instructors who will guide you along the way. 

Become part of our online Christian community and expand your intellectual, spiritual and personal growth.

Get started today!



What Crusaders Say

“From the beginning I saw that GLCC had many valuable things to offer. The academics were far superior to my expectations and the small classroom size allowed for genuine, personal relationships with almost all of my professors. “
—Simon Phelps

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